

The Bengal profile and head

The Bengal profile and head

What does make a cat look like a Bengal cat? Is it only the pattern? Definitely no! The goal of the Bengal breeding program is to create a domestic cat, which has physical features distinctive to the small forest‐dwelling wildcats, and with the loving, dependable temperament of the domestic cat.

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Bengal patterns

Bengal patterns

Today I would like to share a bit of information related to Bengal patterns and standards so we increase the knowledge of this group, as I think there is a general misunderstanding about patterns in Thailand

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The Bengal ears

The Bengal ears

What does make a cat look like a Bengal cat? Is it only the pattern? Definitely no! The goal of the Bengal breeding program is to create a domestic cat, which has physical features distinctive to the small forest‐dwelling wildcats, and with the loving, dependable temperament of the domestic cat.

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What is PK Def and PRA-B?

What is PK Def and PRA-B?

What does it mean PK – N/K? And PRA – N/N?

Why are some Bengal breeders posting about results of their cats?

If my cat is a carrier, should I worry?

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Breed scores: the Bengal characteristics and its weight according to the different standards

Breed scores: the Bengal characteristics and its weight according to the different standards

To improve the Bengal breed and to reach your own objectives, information and knowledge is essential. Each breeder has their own objectives that should fit in the Bengal cat standards. Some breeders focus more on pattern, while others will work a lot on the ears, or the tail, the body in general, or even just the expression of the face. That’s why there is no perfect Bengal cat either.

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Catmas’s isn’t Christmas, CFA International Cat Show

Catmas’s isn’t Christmas, CFA International Cat Show

Yesterday there was the last CFA cat show in Thailand of 2019. We really wanted to bring Bangkokcats Soju again to the last 2019 show but we were on holidays (who decides these Christmas dates to plan a show?! Haha). But we were very lucky that our friend Gritthanut could bring Soju to the show, and we are very grateful and happy that he took good care and groomed Soju also before the show.

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4th Bangkok Cat Party, CFA International Cat Show

4th Bangkok Cat Party, CFA International Cat Show

And we brought Bangkokcats Soju to his second show, the 4th Bangkok Cat Party CFA International Cat Show. Soju became the 2nd Best Champion All Breed Short hair in one of the rings. With the scorings among the rings, Soju has become a Champion!

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19th Thailand Cat Show, CFA International Cat Show

19th Thailand Cat Show, CFA International Cat Show

We finally decided to bring Bangkokcats Soju to one of the CFA shows in Thailand held yesterday 28th July. This show had 6 rings with 6 judges coming from all around the world, and we are very happy to announce that Soju got called in most of the rings!

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