
Yesterday there was the last CFA cat show in Thailand of 2019. We really wanted to bring Bangkokcats Soju again to the last 2019 show but we were on holidays (who decides these Christmas dates to plan a show?! Haha). But we were very lucky that our friend Gritthanut could bring Soju to the show, and we are very grateful and happy that he took good care and groomed Soju also before the show.

And the good news came…! Soju has become a Grand Champion!! In Thailand there are only two Bengal Grand Champions and Soju is one of them, so we are very happy on how this season has been and the title he has won in only 3 shows. Gritthanut told us that Soju was very active and very interested in showing all his playful character to all the judges.

Thank you very much to Gritthanut and to all the judges of the show!