Bangkokcats Forbidden Fantasy – the 2nd Best Adult cat in Show!
This past weekend 20-21 March 2021, SCFC organized a cat show. This was the first live cat show we could attend after all the COVID-19 situation.
So we decided to bring our stud Bangkokcats Forbidden Fantasy (aka Top). And we are extremely happy to share the results with you all and explain how the show went!
This show was composed of 2 days. On Saturday there were four different judges, two of them being CFA guest judges. Then, on Sunday there were four more judges, all of them Thai.
Even though Top had great results on his last virtual show (LCWW), we never brought him to any cat show in Thailand, so it was the first time for him to go to a show and get presented to the Thai cat fancy world!
First day we had Allan Raymond, Douglas Myers, Michael Woods and Rapatpon Satisasilpin judging, and our stud Top entered to three of the four finals! Top was competing with many other cat breeds, from longhair to shorthair too! As an anecdote, the show was mostly dominated by British shorthair cats, there were so many, and some of them really beautiful too!
The results from the first day:
Allan Raymond – 6th Best Adult cat
Douglas Myers – 4th Best Adult cat
Rapatpon Satisasilpin – 9th Best Adult cat

Then on Sunday, the second day of the show, we had four Thai judges: Gritthanut Srikritsanaruk, Atcha Yuenyadchai, Issariya Rattanaweerawong and Anusit Sukhawanitwichai. We had no idea how Top would do with all the Thai judges, as Top might be the first Bengal cat bred more for type than for pattern that is exposed in a cat show in Thailand. And, he did surprisingly well! He was extremely playful with all judges and they really enjoyed showing him! And Top seemed to love also being a star.. haha!
Results following:
Gritthanut Srikritsanaruk – 6th Best Adult cat
Atcha Yuenyadchai – 4th Best Adult cat
Issariya Rattanaweerawong – 8th Best adult cat
Anusit Sukhawanitwichai – 4th Best Adult cat

The surprise came when announcing the three Best cats in Show on the second day, in scoring, Top became the 2nd Best Adult Cat of the show!!
We are extremely happy with the results that our Top got in his first real cat show, and we expect to bring him soon to another show! We thank to all the show organizers, the judges, and of course to all participants for making this show possible!